A New Economic Reality: The Disappearing Pension.

By Karlan Tucker

Most Americans that accumulate retirement nest eggs have their assets in three categories.  The first category is their long-term speculative investments that are generally in employer-sponsored retirement plans like a 401k or 403b or a Roth or Traditional IRA.  The second category of assets are liquid investments, like CDs and Savings Accounts that have 6 months to one year’s worth of expenses set aside.  The third category is the long-term guaranteed assets that include Social Security Income, Fixed Indexed Annuities and Pensions.

The harsh new economic reality that most Americans are facing is that many of their pension plans, which account for approximately 19% of their retirement nest eggs, according to the Social Security Administration’s Income of the Aged Chartbook, 2010, are being systematically cut in cities around the nation.  What was once touted as an untouchable Pensionsasset given to employees in exchange for their years of service at lower wages than their private-sector counterparts is now being greatly reduced or not offered.

What does this mean if you are a resident of Detroit, Michigan, San Bernardino, California or Chicago, Illinois?  While you cannot count on receiving full pension benefits, you can count on working longer before receiving fewer benefits than you were promised.  You can also be assured of experiencing marked decreases in overall benefits, up to 30% according to, “We Are One”.

What should you do?  Consult with an income specialist immediately to come up with an amicable course of action to offset the amount of funds that your pension would have provided you in retirement, and discuss the opportunities that you have to maximize your Social Security income to help offset your decreased pension pay-outs.

