Retirement Architects Blog

Golden Age: A Thing of the Past?

Believe it or not, today's retirees are experiencing what you might call a Golden Age.  This means that current retirees, at least many of them, are living rather comfortably.  They have enough money to last throughout their retirement, their health care is secure,...

Could 401(k)s Be A Thing of the Past?

If you're like most investors,, it is very likely that you have a 401k as part of your retirement plan.  In fact, there's a solid chance that your 401k could be the backbone of your entire financial portfolio.  If this is the case, you definitely aren't alone. They...

The Family Banker

Millions of Americans are finding themselves in a bit of a quandary.  Years ago, they began designing a retirement plan in order to secure their future.  They chose strong retirement accounts, socked away a sizable sum of money, and didn't overspend.  But even so,...

The Expectations and Realities of Retirement

The difference between what we believe will happen and what actually happens can be quite astonishing.  This goes for nearly every facet of life, including retirement.  Before you retire, there are certain expectations that you might have concerning your quality of...

Working Late, Choice or Not?

Although it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get there, millions of Americans are looking forward to their retirement.  They dream of the days when they can sit back, relax, play golf, and simply enjoy the rest of their years away from the rat race of the...

Retire With Tucker

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